Education and Training
Sourcery Institute training courses cover a range of topics related to legacy and modern Fortran code development for computational science.
Sourcery has taught modern Fortran courses at universities, government laboratories, conferences, and corporations. Our clients have included Cranfield University, Stanford University, and the University of Cyprus; NASA Langley Research Center, the National Center for Atmospheric Research, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; The SC Super Computing Conference, and the International Supercomputing Conference. As a result, over 500 engineers and scientists have learned modern Fortran software development.
Agile Software Development
Sourcery Institute has developed courses and tutorials focusing on agile delvelopment concepts including:
Sucessful Git/GitHub Workflows
Test-driven development
Continuous-integration testing
Development sprints
Modern Fortran
In order to help your ogranization bring you Fortran code in line with modern Fortran Capablitites Sourcery Institute has developed a curricum based on the Fortran 2018 and associated packages and capabilities. Topics incldue:
Parallel Programming in Modern Fortran
Parallel numerical libraries for modern Fortran
Parallel performance tuning and analysis
Mixed Fortran/C/C++ programming
Introduction and Integration of modern Fortran libraries